Jun 27, 2016

Top twelve expert healthy tips for staying healthy in summer.


Hello...! While summer provides us with opportunities to get outside and increase our activity  for many of us, summer also brings the temptations of ice cream, overdoing the tan and forgetting the summer diet and exercise. It also holds risks such as heatstroke, allergies, dehydration, tetanus and even cancer. Sometimes due to sun we feel like our skin is burning, The hot and humid days are capable of taking a toll on your health.

Staying healthy in summer requires something more than just eating the right foods. It is important that you integrate your regular healthy habits into the summer in the right way. In case you don’t really have any healthy lifestyle habits, you should take advantage of the summer weather to get them kickstarted. Reap rich benefits from the summer weather by enjoying walks or light exercises like gardening and jogging.

> Follow are top 12 significant expert tips for staying healthy in summer:-

1. Stay cool and hydrated.

Drink water, at least two to four cups upon rising, and similar amounts if you are going out for activities and exercise. Carry water with you in a hard plastic containe. You may also use a traveling water filter. Most people need two to three quarts of liquid per day, and more in hot weather or with sweating and exercise.

2. Protect yourself from overexposure.
Protect yourself from sunlight by wearing a hat and using natural sunscreens without excessive chemicals. Carry aloe vera gel for overexposure and have an  aloevera plant growing in your home for any kind of burn. The cooling and healing gel inside the leaves will soothe any sunburn. It works great.

3. Keep up or begin an exercise program.
Aerobic activity is important for keeping the heart strong and healthy. If you only work out in a health club, take some time to do outdoor refreshing activities such as hiking, biking, swimming, or tennis. Reconnecting with these activities will help keep your body and mind aligned.

4. Enjoy Nature's bounty.
Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables at their organic best. Consuming foods that are cooling and light fresh fruits, vegetable juices, raw vital salads, and lots of water will nourish your body for summertime activities. Include some protein with one or two meals. There are a number of light, nourishing proteins that don't require cooking. Most of these complement fruits and vegetables nicely -nuts, seeds, sprouted beans, soy products, yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese. Fish and poultry can also be eaten.

5. Take some special summer time.
With your family, kids, and friends who share the enjoyment of outdoors. Plan a fun trip if you're able and motivated for a day or longer -hiking in the wild, camping, playing at the river, or a few days resting at the ocean. Rekindling our Earth connection has benefits that last beyond this season, continuing to enrich the whole of your life.

6. Relax and breathe.
You've been working hard in summer. This is the season to slow the pace a bit and absorb the light that stimulates your hormonal message center. Leave your cell phone at home or take a week off from TV. In many European countries, most of the population has a month off during the summer.

7. Sun teas are wonderful.
Use flowers and leaves in a clear half or one gallon glass jar filled with spring water. Hibiscus or red clover flowers, peppermint, chamomile, or lemon grass are all good choices, or use your local herbs and flowers that you learn are safe, flavorful, and even medicinal. Leave in the sun for two hours or up to a whole day. Moon teas can also be made to enhance your lunar, dreamy side by letting your herbs steep in the cooling, mystical moonlight. Add a little orange or lemon peel, or a sprig of rosemary and a few jasmine flowers.

8. Nutritional supplements.
Nutritional supplements  can support you with a greater amount of physical energy, enhancing your summer activities. The B-complex vitamins are calming to the nervous system and helpful for cellular energy production, while vitamin C and the other antioxidants protect your body from stress, chemical pollutants, and the biochemical by-products of exercise. Helpful summer herbs are Siberian ginseng as an energy tonic and stress protector, dong quai is a tonic for women, hawthorn berry is good for the heart, and licorice root will help energy balance and digestion.

9. Always apply suncream.
It is important to use a suncream lotion of at least SPF 30 in order to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. For sensitive skin, a mineral-based sunscreen is best. Don’t sit in the sun in peak hours between 10am and 4pm in order to minimize UV radiation. If you are planning to be out in the sun for a long period of time, reapply suncream every two to three hours.

10. Beware of healthy smoothies.
Fruit smoothies are a great way to get your five-a-day and keep refreshed throughout the summer, but watch out for smoothies made with frozen yoghurts or ice cream as they can be extremely calorific. A healthy smoothie should be made with fruit, juice and ice. Use any fruit you might have or have kept in the freezer, and throw it all in a blender to make a perfect summer drink.

11. Drink plenty of water.
During the hot summer months, heat and sweat can leave your body dehydrated. A lack of water is harmful to your body and can also make you crave food when you’re not actually hungry. It is incredibly important to keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least eight to nine glasses of water a day. Bored of water, Add some low calorific flavoring to water such as a piece of fruit, or opt for healthy alternatives like green tea or coconut water.

12. Take up a new hobby.
Summer is the perfect time to take up a new activity. Gardening is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and will actually help you to burn some calories! Planting a herb garden is a fantastic way of getting your hands dirty, having quick access to some healthy flavours for your summer meals and, if you have kids, get them involved in playing outside.

Above all, give yourself the time to truly experience Nature. This can happen, even in a city park, if you relax and let in your surroundings. When traveling, take activities for the family and your first aid kit for bites, bee stings, and injuries. Check for ticks after your hikes. Watch for overexposure, take time in the shade, and drink your water. Wish you a happy summer.

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