Jul 6, 2016

What is exercise, the importance of exercise and twelve benefits of exercise.


> What is Exercise?
The actual definition of exercise is to use repeatedly in order to develop, but to make it simpler, exercise is a doing programs and workouts to keep fit, for example, running, hiking, bicycling, and any active sport. Exercise is very important and is beneficial both physically and mentally. When you exercise, you feel better about yourself because you are fit or your getting fit and you feel that you have accomplished something that was hard to strive for. The benefits of physical activity is it gives you more energy, it helps you in coping with stress, it improves self-image, and it increases resistance of tiredness. Exercise does not only keep you fit, it also reduces your chance of heart attack. Various studies have shown that the chance of heart attack is two times more likely to happen to an inactive person than a more active person. It really all adds up because with exercising, you burn off calories, which keeps you at your desirable weight, which lowers your risk of heart disease.

> The Importance of Exercise.
Exercise is a doing programs and workouts to keep fit, for example, running, hiking, bicycling and any active sports most Americans do little or no exercise during work or rest hours. Today there aren't many jobs requiring intense  physical activity. Instead of walking, people use automobiles or public transportation. Instead of being physically active, people usually watch TV in their free time. Some sports such as bowling, golf, and tennis doubles provide some exercise, but do not provide as much exercise as other exercise is very important and is beneficial both physically and mentally. When you exercise, you feel better about yourself because you are fit or your getting fit and you feel that you have accomplished something that was hard to strive for. The benefits of physical activity is it gives you more energy, it helps you in coping with stress, it improves self-image, and it increases resistance of tiredness. Exercise does not only keep you fit, it also reduces your chance of heart attack. Various studies have shown that the chance of heart attack is two times more likely to happen to an inactive person than a more active person. It really all adds up because with exercising, you burn off calories, which keeps you at your desirable weight, which lowers your risk of heart disease. There are risks in exercising though. The major risk in exercising is injury to the muscle or joints. This happens when a person exercises too hard for too long, this mostly happens to people that have been inactive for a while. In some situations, people have died while exercising. In these situations, most of the deaths have been by overexertion in people who have had heart problems.

> Exercise For A Healty Lifestyle.
I think that exercise is one of the most important elements for having a good healthy life. For some people exercise is very difficult because people are not used to exercise in a regular basis. Personally, I had tried to exercise in a regular basis, but it is very hard for me to do so. I had a time were I used to do 20 crunches everyday, but as time when on I lost my interested on exercise. With this Personal Health course, I want to learn about the exercise routine, and how to keep myself in shape.

> Following are the best 12 benefits of exercise as follows:-

1. Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
Daily physical activity can help prevent these leading causes of death by strengthening your heart muscle, raising your good cholesterol (and lowering your bad cholesterol) and improving your blood flow. In fact, studies have shown that exercise lowers your risk of heart stroke by 27%

2. Brighter and sharpen brain cells.
Exercise drives more oxygen to feed your brain, which helps you think quickly and clearly. Learning new physical activities such as dance or jazzercise builds new connections between your brain cells and helps clear environmental toxins.

3. Improves your skin.
Regular physical activity promotes circulation and sends nutrients to your skin, making breakouts of acne less frequent. Also, acne clears up faster if you’re regularly sending oxygen to your skin by exercising. So, good skin is a huge health benefit of exercise. For one thing exercise enhances the blood flow to your skin. Exercise improves acne by controlling the production of acne-inducing testosterone hormones like DHEA and DHT. Also, sweating can unclog pores and help clear up your breakouts ultimately detoxifying the skin of oils and dirt.

4. Less stress.
The more you exercise, the better you’ll cope with anxiety, stress and depression. You’ll enjoy more of the naturally induced happy, positive hormones. You’ll feel happier, more productive, and centered in your life, which is a health benefit of exercise.

5. Healthier aging.
A recent study found that frequent physical activity reduces the likelihood that an older person will become physically disabled.

6. Less back pain.
Workouts focusing on muscle strength, endurance, flexibility and posture can Alleviate spinal pressure and improve how you feel from day to day.

7. Better self-esteem and stress management.
Your body produces feels good endorphins during prolonged, strenuous exercise. Physical activity also provides mental health benefits by improving your self-image as you take the positive initiative to care for yourself.

8. Improves your digestion.
Exercise helps the intestinal muscles break down food and move it through your system correctly by strengthening the abdominal muscles and minimizing sluggishness, noting that regular exercise can help prevent constipation.

9. Heightened immunity.
Regular workouts might help your body fight off cold and the flu by increasing the circulation of cells that ward off viruses and bacteria and by improving your body’s response to the influenza vaccine.

10. Consciously confident.
Not only will you have more confidence in yourself if you exercise regularly, you’ll be perceived as kinder, smarter and more confident. Feeling good about you is one of the best reasons to exercise.

11. Reduces cancer risk.
Several studies have confirmed that the risk of lung, colon and breast cancers can be greatly reduced in regularly active people. "A 2007 study found that exercise is an important step to preventing breast cancer because higher levels of estrogen which is stored in fat increase your risk". Women who exercise heavily are, in general older at the time of their first period, and tend to have irregular periods and a shortened estrogen-producing phase.

12. Better sleep.
Consistent physical activity can also help you fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality. Just be sure to schedule a buffer between your workout and bedtime since late-night exercise might amp up your energy when you’d rather be winding down. 


  1. Excrcise mde my life osme..... It also hlpd meh to lose my weight..... From 87 to jxt 48... Within a shrt spn of time.....

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