Jul 3, 2016

Health benefits of consumption alcohol moderation, its advantages and disadvantages and effects of binge drinking.


hello...! The idea that moderate drinking protects against cardiovascular disease makes sense biologically and scientifically.The advantages of consuming alcohol are nearly always measured in terms of drinking moderately. That means one to two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women. Breaking it down even further, one drink is generally considered to be 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of spirits, totallyabout 12 to 14 grams of alcohol in each drink.
It is well established that drinking too much alcohol either at once or over a long period of time is detrimental to health. It can cause heart problems, liver disease and even cancer. But consumption of alcohol moderately may actually be beneficial for your health and protecting against some of the problems drinking too much of it can cause.

> The benefits of moderation alcohol consumptionare as follows :- 

1. Reduced risk of heart problems/ get a healthy heart.
Beer and wine have natural antioxidants called phenols, which help protect against heart disease and lower the risk of hypertension. So, just stick to moderate consumption.

2. Get good cholesterol.
Red wine is mostly helps here. Alcoholic beveragesand wine especially, are credited with  increasing 'good', HDL cholesterol levels. HDL helps clean the body by removing LDL, or ‘bad’ cholesterol.

3. Lower risk of diabetes.
Most people with diabetes can have a moderate amount of alcohol. "Research has shown that there can be some health benefits such as reducing risk for heart disease". But, moderation is important.

4. Freshen breath.
Any case of bad breath can be helped by a shot of vodka. The high alcohol content in vodka and other alcohols helps to kill bad other bacteria’s. Make sure to spit it out after use, and don't use any liquors with high sugar content, as they can eat away at all that healthy enamel.

5. Become a genius/ improve brain memory.
Drinking is definetly not going to turn us into a genius person, but alcohol does help keep our brains sharp. Ethanol helps the neurons in the brain resist wear and tear that can lead to Alzheimer's and dementia later in life.

6. Look younger, longer.
Drinking is not known for helping people look their best, but the special antioxidants in wine such as phytochemicals and resveratol can increase energy levels and combat signs of aging.

7. Live like forever.
"One study has been found that drinking a moderate amount of red wine help in increasing life span by inducing longevity genes". This study was conducted on mice with highly concentrated values of resveratol, the supercharged antioxidant naturally found in red wine.

8. Outrun the common cold in style.
Cold season is fast approaching, so start drinking in moderation. "Recent studies found that drinking alcohol was able to meditate the risk of getting a commom cold".

9. Get over Malaria infection.
Malaria is not a going concern for the Western world, but the tonic has historically been used to treat malarial infections. Tonic containe quinine an alkaloid that also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Much more effective solutions have been developed, but quinine and tonic water can still help in a pinch before proper medication can be administered.

10. Avoid the pre-party.
"Reasearch has shown that pre-drinking before a party or social event, usually on cheap alcohol which is consumed quickly and in large quantities, almost doubles total alcohol consumption as well as negative outcomes such as hangovers, blackouts and unprotected sex". This practice is especially common among adolescents and young adults who cannot legally purchase alcohol. Interestingly, changing locations duringa night out also increases the amount of alcohol consumed.

> Advantages of moderation drinking.
More than 100 scientific studies show a relationship between moderate drinking and a reduced risk of death from heart attacks, clot-caused strokes and overall cardiovascular causes. Alcohol in reasonable amounts raises your levels of high-density lipoprotein, also known as “good” cholesterol, which helps protect against heart disease. Some types of alcohol are better protectants than others red wine. Specifically, has a high concentration of polyphenols that can reduce blood pressure.

> Disadvantages of moderation drinking.
Many of the drawbacks of alcohol appear when you round the curve from drinking moderately to drinking heavily or binge drinking. Heavy drinking can lead to inflammation of the liver, known as alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver. It also increases blood pressure, can damage the heart muscle and potentially plays a role in the development of several cancers, including breast, colon, mouth and liver. In addition, heavy drinking increases the risk for osteoporosis, particularly in young man and women.

> Effects of binge drinking.
When it comes to drinking, the law of averages doesn’t apply. Although one drink a day might benefit your health in the long run, the same doesn’t apply to saving up all those weekday drinks and consuming six to seven drinks on one weekend night. This habit is known as binge drinking, and it’s the riskiest pattern of consumption, if you consume more than five drinks in two hours if you’re a man and four drinks if you’re a woman - the health effects are much like those of a heavy drinker. The rates of high blood pressure increase, and you’re more likely to have a stroke.

> Consumption of Vodka can be dangerous.
Vodka is a distilled spirit that can be made from any fermentable materials, though most vodkas rely on grains. Drinking an excessive amount of vodka leads to intoxication, which inhibits your judgment and decreases your fine-motor control and co-ordination. If you also are on medications or painkillers that interact with alcohol, you might experience severe drunkenness even at low levels of vodka consumption. At extreme levels and rates of consumption, alcohol poisoning occurs, which can kill you.


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