Jul 15, 2016

How to control hair fall, causes, boost the hair re-growth and 10 natural home remedies to Prevent Hair fall and hair loss.


Are you suffering from hair loss problem? Hair loss can affect both men and women. While genes play a vital role, there are usually other reasons as well, including, hormonal imbalances, an under-active thyroid gland, nutritional deficiencies and insufficient blood circulation in the scalp. Hair loss is a mammoth problem that many people are suffering from. There are lots of factors behind this hair fall problem. Our hair is made up of a protein called ceratin that is produced in the hair follicles. As follicles produce new hair cells, old cells are being pushed out through the surface of the skin at the rate of about six inches a year. The hair that you can see is actually a string of dead keratin cells

An interesting fact is that an average adult has about 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands and loses up to 100 of them a day. Therefore, finding a few stray hairs on your hairbrush is not necessarily a cause for alarm. Initially, hair loss was seen as a sign of ageing, but in the urban scenario with everyone leading a hectic lifestyle, it has become a reason for worry for many. There are various causes for hair loss, ranging from medication, hormonal imbalance, the kind of diet you consume work stress. As a habit, we all look for an instant chemical remedy for hair loss for quick results despite being aware of its many harmful consequences. Going natural is the best solution for hair problems, since it doesn’t have any side effects and its results are long lasting guranteed.

> Follow are the top 10 home remedies to prevent hair fall :-

1. Use coconut milk.
Coconut milk is rich in vitamin E and fats that help to moisturize your hair and keep it healthy. The milk is rich in potassium, another vital ingredient for hair growth. Coconut milk is rich in proteins, essential fats and minerals such as potassium. Thus, washing your hair with coconut milk can help reduce breakage of hair. Coconut oil also contains the same nutrients. Hence, it strengthens your hair right from the root through the shaft to the tip. Massaging your scalp regularly with this oil provides a protective action against hair loss. You can grate coconut and squeeze out the milk by mixing in a little water. It also has antibacterial properties that protect the hair from damage.

2. Use aloe-vera.
Hair loss has become a very common due to heavy pollution in the environment. You can use Aloe Vera as another effective home remedy for hair loss and quick hair growth. Uses of Aloe Vera can effectively reduce scalp problems like, flaking and itching. The mildly alkaline property of Aloe Vera helps in restoring the natural pH level of the scalp which promotes hair growth. Aloe Vera gel can be effective even for fighting dandruff. Take an Aloe Vera leaf, collect the pulp and apply it to the scalp and hairs. Leave it on for 45 minutes to an hour and wash off the hair with plenty of normal water. Follow this treatment for 4 to 5 times a week for better results.

3. Use egg white.
Did you ever wonder how to reduce hair fall with eggs? Egg white is rich in protein and vitamins. It can nourish the hairs in the best way, promoting smooth & shiny hair. If you want long and strong hair, you must follow this tip. Just break some eggs, remember not to use the yolk. Collect only the egg white and apply it as a mask to the scalp and hairs. This treatment is very effective to control hair fall in case the hair fall is triggered due to lack of nourishment and dryness of the hairs. Wash it off with a cleanser after 30 minutes to 1 hour. It will make the hairs stronger and healthier. Repeat this treatment at least once in a week to reduce hair fall and boost hair growth.

3. Indian Gooseberry/Amla.
This magical fruit is a powerhouse of nutrients. It’s rich in Vitamin C and that accelerates hair growth. All you need to do is, mix 2 teaspoons of amla powder or juice with equal amounts of lime juice and let it dry. Rinse it off with some warm water. It will also prevent hair pigmentation. Do you know that how to use Indian gooseberry/Amla for controls hair fall and boosting natural hair growth, Vitamin C deficiency can trigger hair loss and Amla is rich in vitamin C.  Gooseberry can help to maintain a healthy scalp and it also promotes hair growth. Take a few Indian gooseberries, discard the seeds and grind the flesh to make a pulp. Mix this pulp with a few drops of lemon juice and massage your scalp with this mixture. You can also use the pulp directly without adding the lemon juice.  Keep this on for an hour and wash off with plenty of water.

4. Apply green tea.
Now. you have the perfect solution for those used tea bags that you throw away daily. Green tea, as you know is super rich in antioxidants and that helps in boosting hair growth and preventing hair loss. Apply warm green tea over your scalp and leave it for an hour. Wash it off with cool water. Make use of tea decoction for preventing hair fall. Tea is rich in Tannic acid, which can be helpful to control any scalp infection and to promote hair growth. Prepare a strong tea decoction by boiling 3 spoons of tea leaves in one cup of water and strain the liquid. Squeeze one lemon into the decoction. Mix it well and rinse your hair with this mixture after shampoo. Then wash off with fresh water. Don’t use shampoo after using the tea rinse. This is very effective home remedy for hair loss.

5. Sour curd.
Curd is one of the most effective home remedies for hair loss. It can also help to get soft, smooth and shiny hairs. You can either apply the sour curd directly onto your scalp and hairs or mix 2 tablespoon of curd with 1 tablespoon of honey and apply the mixture to get the best effects. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and then wash off with plenty of water.

6. Use licorice roots.
Are you looking for best herbal remedies to stop hair fall, Licorice is an herb that can be very helpful in preventing the hair loss and hair damage. Licorice helps in getting rid of scalp irritations and soothes the scalp. If dandruff is a cause of this hair loss remedy can be actually helpful. Soak a few strands of licorice roots in milk overnight. In the morning grind the mixture to make a paste and apply this paste to the bald patches before going to the bed. Leave it overnight and shampoo in the morning.

7. Beet-root juice.
This is the finest kitchen remedy to stop hair loss and promotes hair regrowth. Beetroot is rich in phosphorous, calcium, protein, potassium, carbohydrates, Vitamin B and C. These are very essential nutrients for hair growth. Drink beet-root juice daily or include it in your regular diet for fast and healthy hair growth. Alternatively, you can also use beet-root leaves to your scalp and hairs. Boil the beet-root leaves in water and make a paste. Apply this thick paste to scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water.

8. Use potato juice.
Lack of vitamins and minerals can cause dry and brittle hairs which can trigger hair fall. A potato can be a good remedy to control hair fall in this case. Potato is rich in Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, copper and Niacin, which can be helpful for boosting hair growth. Crush some cleaned potato and squeeze out the juice. Now apply this fresh juice directly onto your scalp and hairs. Leave on for 30 minutes to an hour but do not let the pack get dry. Wash off with plenty of water.

9. Apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar can be effective to control hair fall and it gives soft and manageable hairs. Mix one part of apple cider vinegar in one part of water. Take this mixture in a spray bottle and spray onto your scalp and hairs. Massage gently and leave on for 5 minutes before washing off with a mild cleanser. If you do not like the smell of ACV, just mix a little amount of your regular oil to the vinegar and use it. For better results make use of this treatment at least twice a week.

> Follow are some causes of hair fall and hair loss :-

i. Stress.
Stress is also a primary reason of hair fall. Three types of hair fall are associated with stress; these are tricho tillomania, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. Though the hair fall caused due to stress is not permanent, you can control this by doing yoga or meditation or any physical exercises.

ii. Aging.
Aging can also be a cause of hair thinning in some cases. This generally occurs due to lack of nutrients and collagen in the body. However, it is not an obvious reason, and you may not suffer from hair fall and balding even if you get old if it is not there in your genes.

iii. Heredity.
Heredity is considered as a primary reason of baldness. If it is there in your genes, you can hardly do anything to stop it. However, the chance of androgen tic alopecia is much rarer in women due to their genetic makeup, but even women can experience hair thinning or small bald patches due to heredity.

iv. Pregnancy.
One can experience heavy hair fall during or after the pregnancy. It is generally triggered by the changes in the hormonal levels in the body of the mother during pregnancy. However, the hair lost due to pregnancy usually comes back after delivery.

v. Insufficiency of nutrients.
If there is a vitamin or mineral deficiency in your body, your hairs are surely going to take the heat. Protein is also vital to make the hairs strong and healthy. So, ensure to intake a proper balanced diet rich with protein, vitamins and minerals.

vi. Use of stylish tools such as hair straighter.
Many people use styling tools for straightening hairs. Use of chemical filled sprays for achieving a desired hairstyle is also quite common. Use of heat and chemicals destroys the hair texture and makes it prone to damage.  Donning very tight hairstyles can also affect the hair roots causing hair fall.

> Besides, follow are some tips for hair fall control and hair growth :-

i. Hair fall often increased during summer and it can be blamed on the heavy sweat formed during this time. In case, you start to suffer from a heavy hair fall as soon as the summer has made its appearance, prominent, excessive sweat might actually be causing the hair fall. In this case, soaking up the excess sweat from the scalp repeatedly with the help of a high absorbing cotton towel and washing the hairs at least with water once in a day can be helpful.

ii. Hair fall can also be caused due to high exposure to the sun rays. Sun ray can actually make the hair shafts dry and brittle promoting hair fall. In this case the best way is to cover your hairs when you are going out under the sun. You can easily use a stylish hat, scarf or even an umbrella to give your hairs to some physical protection from the damaging sun rays.

iii. Keeping your scalp and hairs clean is important in order to control hair fall and boost hair growth. Un cleaned scalp and hairs can invite dandruff and other scalp problems that can certainly aggravate the hair fall. So take every measure to maintain the best hair hygiene when you are suffering from hair fall. Wash your towels and pillow cover regularly. Do not touch your hairs with dirty hands and make it a point to wash your comb or brush every day to ensure that these are not working as a source of dirt or infection.

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